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45 faculty among world’s top 2% scientists by ‎Stanford University

45 faculty among world’s top 2% scientists by ‎Stanford University

In line with the United Arab Emirates University ‎‎(UAEU) strategic vision in promoting the UAE’s ‎national agenda for the development of scientific ‎research at the national and international levels, and ‎through research cooperation with international academic ‎institutions and prestigious research centers around the ‎globe, the researchers of UAEU achieved during the ‎academic year 2020-2021 a quantum leap in various ‎research areas of national and international importance. ‎‎45 faculty members of UAEU were recognized in the ‎prestigious list of 2% world’s top scientists produced ‎by Stanford University for the year 2020.‎

According to the selection methodology, all researchers ‎are classified into 22 scientific fields and 176 sub-fields. ‎Over 186,000 scientists are included on the Stanford ‎University list, whose research publications have ‎received high citations. The analysis was conducted ‎using citations from the Scopus database along with data ‎assessing scientists for career-long citation impact and ‎citation impact during a single calendar year, 2020. ‎

Prof. Ahmed Murad, Associate Provost for Research, ‎explained that faculty members in various colleges of ‎UAEU made significant efforts in supporting and ‎enabling international collaboration with top universities ‎and distinguished researchers around the world. They ‎publish high-quality articles, in line with the university’s ‎strategic plan to promote the national agenda through ‎conducting impactful research in the areas of strategic ‎importance and in accordance with the national ‎priorities. This will support the strategic goal of building ‎a knowledge-based economy through academic research. ‎

The quality of the scholarly outcomes of UAEU ‎researchers is impressive. 14 researchers from the ‎College of Medicine and Health Sciences, including one ‎medical laboratory specialist, were recognized in the list. ‎The remaining 31 researchers, specialized in various ‎fields including civil engineering, food science, ‎microbiology, renewable energy, material science, ‎economics & business administration, astronomy & ‎space sciences, and applied mathematics, received very ‎high citations during 2020. The inclusion in the top 2% ‎list brings great pride to UAEU and represents the ‎eminence of researchers at university as well as the ‎quality of research conducted.


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