Based on estimates prepared by PCBS There are about 13 million Palestinians in the world, of whom about 5 million in the State of Palestine in mid 2019; 2.53 million males and 2.45 million females. The estimated population of the West Bank was 2.99 million of which 1.53 million males and 1.46 million females. While the estimated population of Gaza Strip was 1.99 million of which 1.01 million males and 980 thousand females.
Palestinian Population is Young; more than One-third of the Population is Less than 15 Years
The percentage of individuals aged (0-14) years constituted 38% of the total population in mid 2019; of which 36% in the West Bank and 42% in Gaza Strip. The elderly population aged (65 years and above) constituted 3% of the total population; of which 4% in the West Bank and 3% in Gaza Strip in mid 2019.
 High Population Density in Gaza Strip
The population density of Palestine is generally high at 826 persons/km2, particularly in Gaza Strip, where it is 5,453 persons/km2 compared to a lower population density in the West Bank of 528 persons/km2 in mid 2019.
 Crude Birth Rates are Higher in Gaza Strip than in the West Bank
Population projections revealed that crude birth rate in Palestine was 30.2 births /1000 of the population in 2019. The results for the West Bank were 27.7 births compared to 33.9 births /1000 of the population in Gaza Strip. The estimated crude death rate in Palestine was 3.7 deaths/1000 of the population, where the West Bank result was 3.9 deaths/1000 of the population compared to 3.5 deaths/1000of the population in Gaza Strip.
More than 4 Births per a Woman in Palestine
The mean number of children ever born for women ever married in Palestine in 2017 is 4.4 births; of which 4.3 births for the women living in the West Bank and  4.5 births for those living in Gaza Strip.
 Constant Decline in the Average Household Size
The results of the Labor Force Survey for the end of 2018 indicated a decline in the average household size in Palestine compared to 2007. The average size of the household declined to 5.0 individuals in 2018 compared to 5.8 individuals in 2007. On the other hand, the average household size in the West Bank declined to 4.6 individuals in 2018 compared with 5.5 individuals in 2007. In Gaza Strip, the average household size declined to 5.7 in 2018 compared with 6.5 in 2007.
One Household out of ten is Headed by a Female
The results of the Labor Force Survey for the end of 2018 showed that 11% of the households were headed by females in Palestine (12% in the West Bank and 9% in Gaza Strip).
 8 out of 10 Individuals in Palestine have Health Insurance*
The Population, Housing and Establishments Census 2017 data revealed that the number of health insured individuals in Palestine reached 3,458,227, constituting 79% of the total Palestinian population. The percentage of individuals with government insurance was 32%, while the percentage of individuals with UNRWA insurance was 15%, 2% with private insurance, 29% of the individuals had government and UNRWA insurance, 0.2% had government and private insurance and 0.7% % had UNRWA and private insurance, 0.7% of the total Palestinian population had Israeli insurance and 0.3% had other insurances.
6% of individuals in Palestine have at least one difficulty*.
The Population, Housing and Establishments Census 2017 data indicated that 6% of individuals in Palestine have at least one difficulty (6% males and 5% females). In terms of the type of difficulty mobility scored the highest by 3% of the total Palestinian population, where Northern Gaza Strip was the highest by 5%compared to the rest of the governorates. As for the lowest percentage, Hebron scored the lowest by 2%, while the difficulty in communication was the least prevalence among other difficulties with 1% of the total population of Palestine.
Low Illiteracy Rate in Palestine
The Labor Force Survey data for 2018 showed that the Illiteracy rate among individuals (15 years and above) in Palestine was 3%. Illiteracy gap is significantly noticed among males and females at 1% and 4% respectively.
15% of Individuals (15 years and above) Have a Bachelor Degree and above
The Labor Force Survey data for 2018 revealed that the percentage of individuals (aged 15 years and above), who have completed university education (bachelor degree and above), was 15% while the percentage of individuals who didn’t complete any stage of education reached 8%.
 About One Million and a Half Individuals in the Labour Force
The results of labour force survey revealed that the labour force participation rate in 2018 was 46% of the total labour force (individuals aged 15 years and above); of which 46% in the West Bank and 47% in Gaza strip. The females participation rate in labour force was very low compared to the males participation rate, where it reached 21%;of which 18% in the West Bank and 26% in Gaza Strip. As for the males, it was 72%; of which 74% in the West Bank and 68% in Gaza Strip.
 More than One-third of the Labor Force Participants were Unemployed
The results showed that more than one-third of the participants in the labour force were unemployed in 2018, where the percentage reached 31%; of which 18% in the West Bank and 52% in Gaza Strip. Unemployment rate reached 51% among females compared to 25% among males.
Monthly per Capita Expenditure in Gaza Strip Decreases in 2017 compared to 2011
Average per capita monthly expenditure in the West Bank increased in 2017 compared to 2011, rising from 188 Jordanian Dinar (JD) in 2011 to 220 JD in 2017, reflecting an increase of 17.0%. While in Gaza Strip it fell from 110 JD in 2011 to 91 JD in 2017, reflecting a decline of 17.3%. As for the level of the locality type, the average per capita monthly expenditure was 170 JD in urban localities compared to 196 JD in rural localities and 122 JD in camps in 2017.
 29% of Individuals in Palestine Suffered from Poverty in 2017
The relative poverty line and the deep poverty line according to consumption patterns (for reference household consisted of 2 adults and 3 children) in Palestine in 2017 were 2,470 NIS (USD 671), and 1,974 NIS (USD 536) respectively. The poverty percentage among Palestinian individuals according to consumption patterns was 29% (14% in the West Bank, and 53% in Gaza Strip). Data revealed that 17% of the individuals in Palestine suffered from deep poverty in 2017, according to consumption patterns (6% in the West Bank, and 34% in Gaza Strip).
96% of Palestinian Households Have At Least One Mobile Phone, With a Wide Use of Smartphones
The data of the Social and Economic Conditions Survey 2018 showed that 96% of the households in Palestine have one or more mobile phones (96% in the West Bank and 97% in Gaza Strip). The results also showed that the percentage of households that own one Smartphone or more was 82% in Palestine (88% in the West Bank and 73% in Gaza Strip).
 Also, the results of the survey showed that the percentage of individuals (18 years and above) who own a mobile phone or a smart phone is 89% in Palestine (92% in the West Bank and 82% in Gaza Strip); 83% for females and 94% for males.
About 65% of Palestinian Households Have Access to Internet at Their Homes
The results of the Social and Economic Conditions Survey 2018 showed that 65% of the households in Palestine have internet access in 2018 (72% in the West Bank and 51% in Gaza Strip). While the percentage of individuals (18 years and above) who used the internet from anywhere reached 64% in Palestine (69% in the West Bank and 57% in Gaza Strip).
 More than Three-Quarters of Housing Units in Palestine are Owned by a Household Member
In 2017, the percentage of Palestinian households where a household member owned a housing unit was about 85%; of which 85% in the West Bank and 83% in Gaza Strip, while the percentage of  households that were living in rented houses in Palestine was 8%; of which 9% in the West Bank and 7% in Gaza Strip.
62% of Palestinian Households in Palestine Use Improved Drinking Water*
The Population, Housing and Establishments Census 2017 data showed that 62% of the households in Palestine use improved drinking water according to the indicators of sustainable development goals (95% in the West Bank, and 11% in Gaza Strip).