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Economic Reports

Risk from Climate Change

Risk from Climate Change The World Bank: 1.2 billion people face life-changing risks through exposure to at least one critical climate hazard, such as heatwaves, flooding, hurricanes, and drought. However, a new report from the World Bank Group outlines how faster development and sustainable economic growth can reduce climate change-related economic and quality of life losses. The report, “Rising to the Challenge: Success Stories and Strategies for...

UN Report Assesses Damage to Gaza’s Infrastructure

UN Report Assesses Damage to Gaza’s Infrastructure The World Bank: The cost of damage to critical infrastructure in Gaza is estimated at around $18.5 billion according to a new report released today by the World Bank and the United Nations, with financial support of the European Union. That is equivalent to 97% of the combined GDP of the West Bank and Gaza in 2022. The Interim Damage...

Global Economy Set for Weakest Half-Decade Performance in 30 Years

Global Economy Set for Weakest Half-Decade Performance in 30 Years The Word Bank: As the world nears the midpoint of what was intended to be...

How AI can enable a Sustainable Future

How AI can enable a Sustainable Future how-ai-can-enable-a-sustainable-future