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Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) On the occasion of the International Population

4.78 Million Population of Palestinian in 2017

Based on the results of the Population, Housing and Establishments Census 2017, the total population of  Palestine in 2017 was about 4.78 million; 2.43 million males and 2.35 million females. The number of population of the West Bank was 2.88 million of which 1.47 million males and 1.41 million females, while the number of  population of Gaza Strip was 1.90 million of which 963 thousand males and 936 thousand females.

Palestinian Population in Gaza Strip is Younger than the Population in the West Bank

The percentage of individuals aged (0-14) years constituted 38.9% of the total population in 2017 of which 36.9% in the West Bank and 41.8% in Gaza Strip.  The elderly population aged (65 years and above) constituted 3.2% of the total population of which 3.6% in the West Bank and 2.8% in Gaza Strip in 2017.

 High Population Density in Gaza Strip

Population density of Palestine is generally high at 794 persons/km2, particularly in Gaza Strip it is 5,204 persons/km2 compared to a lower population density in the West Bank of 510 persons/km2 in 2017.

 High Fertility Rates for the Palestinian Women living in Gaza Strip*

The mean number of children ever born for women ever married in Palestine in 2017 is 4.4 births, of which 4.3 births for women living in the West Bank and  4.5 births for women in Gaza Strip.

 Decline in the Average Household Size

Data revealed a decline in the average of households size in Palestine during the period (1997-2017) from 6.4 persons in 1997 to 5.1 in 2017.  This average declined in the West Bank from 6.1 persons in 1997  to  4.8 in 2017, while it declined in Gaza Strip from 6.9 persons to 5.6 for the same period.

One Household out of ten Households is Headed by a Female

The Population, Housing and Establishments Census 2017 data showed that 10.0% of households were headed by females in Palestine, of which 10.4% and 9.4% in the West Bank and Gaza Strip respectively.

 Females Participation Rate in Labour Force is very Low Compared to Males in 2017

The results of labour force survey revealed that the labour force participation rate in 2017 is 45.3% of the total labour force (Persons aged 15 years and above) of which 45.3% in the West Bank and 45.1% in Gaza strip.  The females participation rate in labour force is very low compared to the males participation rate  in 2017, which is 19.0% of which 17.3% in the West Bank and 21.8% in Gaza Strip, compared to 70.9% for males; of which 72.5% in the West Bank and 68.2% in Gaza Strip.

 More than One Fourth of Participants in the Labour Force were Unemployed in 2017

The results showed that more than one fourth of participants in the labour force were unemployed in 2017 at 27.7% of which 17.9% in the West Bank and 43.9% in Gaza Strip. Unemployment rate reached 47.8% among females compared to 22.5% among males.

About 8.4% of Individuals (15 years and above) didn’t Complete any Stage of Education

The Population, Housing and Establishments Census 2017 data revealed that the percentage of individuals (aged 15 years and above), who have completed university education (bachelor degree and above), was 17.3% while the percentage of individuals who didn’t complete any stage of education reached 8.4%.

 Female Illiteracy Rate was three Times Higher than that of Males

The Population, Housing and Establishments Census 2017 data showed that the Illiteracy rate among individuals (15 years and above) in Palestine was 3.3% in 2017.  Illiteracy gap is significantly noticed among males and females at 1.7% and 5.0% respectively.

 Monthly per Capita Expenditure in Gaza Strip Decreases in 2017 compared to 2011

Per capita expenditure in the West Bank increased in 2017 compared to 2011, rising from 188 Jordanian Dinar (JD) in 2011 to 220 JD in 2017, with an increase of 17.0%. While in Gaza Strip it fell from 110 JD in 2011 to 91 JD in 2017, with a decline of 17.3%. At the level of the locality type, average per capita monthly expenditure was 170 JD in urban localities compared to 196 JD in rural localities and 122 JD in camps in 2017.

 29% of Individuals in Palestine Suffered from Poverty in 2017

The relative poverty line and the deep poverty line according to consumption patterns (for reference household consisted of 2 adults and 3 children) in Palestine in 2017 were 2,470 NIS (US$ 671), and 1,974 NIS (US$ 536) respectively. The poverty percentage among Palestinian individuals according to consumption patterns  was 29.2% (13.9% in the West Bank, and 53.0% in Gaza Strip).  Data revealed that 16.8% of the individuals in Palestine suffered from deep poverty in 2017, according to consumption patterns (5.8% in the West Bank, and 33.8% in Gaza Strip).

1.7 Million Smartphones Owned by the Palestinian Households*

The Population, Housing and Establishments Census 2017 data showed that the majority of households in Palestine have a mobile phone with a percentage of 96.6%  (97.2% in the West Bank and 95.7% in Gaza Strip). The results showed that the percentage of households that own a smartphone was 84.2% in Palestine (89.8% in the West Bank and 75.5% in Gaza Strip).  The results also  showed that 43.1% of households have a computer (Desktop or Laptop or Tablet and iPad) in Palestine (48.9% in the West Bank and 34.0% in Gaza Strip). As for the use of computers among individuals, 61.4% of households have users of computer (62.0% in the West Bank, and 60.4% in Gaza Strip).

More than Half of the Palestinian Households have Internet Access at Home*

51.7% of households in Palestine have internet access (60.6% in the West Bank and 38.0% in Gaza Strip) in 2017.

 8 out of 10 Individuals in Palestine have Health Insurance*

The Population, Housing and Establishments Census 2017 data revealed that the number of health insured individuals in Palestine reached 3,458,227, constituting 78.9% of the total Palestinian population. The percentage of individuals with government insurance was 31.7%, while the percentage of individuals with UNRWA insurance was 15.0%, 1.7% with private insurance, 28.6% if the individuals had government and UNRWA insurance, 0.2% had government and private insurance and 0.7% % had UNRWA and private insurance, 0.7% of the total Palestinian population had Israeli insurance and 0.3% had other insurance.

55% of the individuals who suffer from at least one disability/difficulty are males

The Population, Housing and Establishments Census 2017 data indicated that 255,228 individuals in Palestine, have at least one difficulty (5.8% of the total population) (139,593 males and 115,635 females).  In terms of type of disability, the difficulties in mobility and use of hands were the highest (127,773 individuals including 68,165 males and 59,608 females).  The number of  people with mobility difficulties and the use of hands in the Northern Gaza Strip was 4.5% of the total population of the governorate, which is the highest compared to the rest of the governorates population, while the percentage of individuals with difficulty in movement and use of hands in Hebron governorate was 1.9% of the total population of the governorate, which is the lowest compared to the rest of the governorates population, while the difficulty in communication was less (40,072 people), of which 22,199 for males and 17,873 for females.

More than Three-Quarters of Housing Units in Palestine Owned by a Family Member

In 2017, the percentage of Palestinian households where a family member owned a housing unit was about 84.6% of which 85.4% in the West Bank and 83.2% in Gaza Strip, while the percentage of  households that were living in rented houses in Palestine was 8.3% of which 9.4% in the West Bank and 6.5% in Gaza Strip.

62.4% of Palestinian Households in Palestine Use Safe Drinking Water*

The Population, Housing and Establishments Census 2017 data showed that 62.4% of the households in Palestine use safe drinking water according to the indicators of sustainable development goals (95.1% in the West Bank, and 11.4% in Gaza Strip).

More than 99% of Individuals Use Improved Sanitation*

The Population, Housing and Establishments Census 2017 data showed that  99.7% of the Palestinians in Palestine use improved sanitation, as defined by the indicators of sustainable development goals (99.6% in the West Bank, and 99.9% in Gaza Strip).


* Data excluded those parts of Jerusalem which were annexed by Israeli occupation in 1967.












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