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The 72nd annual World Health Assembly ended yesterday in Geneva

The 72nd annual World Health Assembly ended yesterday in Geneva

The 72nd annual World Health Assembly ended yesterday in Geneva. Over the past 9 days, Member States adopted a new global strategy on health, environment and climate change and committed to investing in safe water, sanitation and hygiene services in health facilities. Countries adopted a landmark agreement to enhance the transparency of pricing for medicines, vaccines and other health products. The new WHO programme budget was approved and a common approach to antimicrobial resistance was agreed.

Patient safety was recognized as a global health priority and the 11th Edition of the International Classification of Diseases was adopted. Countries agreed three resolutions on universal health coverage with a focus on primary healthcare, the role of community health workers and the High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage in New York in September 2019.

“I cannot emphasise strongly enough what a decisive moment for public health the High-Level Meeting could be. A strong declaration, with strong political support, could transform the lives of billions of people, in realizing what we have always advocated for – health for all,” said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, at the closing speech for the World Health Assembly 72.


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