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The world’s most important angel investors gather in Istanbul

The world’smost important angel investors gather in Istanbul

As a global organisation, the World Business Angels Investment Forum 2017 is bringing together key players of the equity market to debate the benefits and challenges for the angel investment community in achieving successful growth for their businesses and to discuss what more can be done to connect the early-stage market ecosystem. The Forum will gather at the Swissotel The Bosphorus– Istanbul 12–14 February 2017 with the theme of ‘Partnering with Corporate Ventures from Start-up to Scale-up to Exit’.The London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) is the main sponsor.

(Istanbul)Building on the success of the previous Forum, this year’s event, with the theme of ‘Partnering with Corporate Ventures from Start-up to Scale-up to Exit’, will focus on how corporate businesses can foster open innovation and deliver more business value through partnerships with angel investors, start-ups, and SMEs. Corporate venture capital is booming globally. In the first quarter of this year, venture capital funds accounted for nearly 17% of the total venture capital dollars invested, more than double its share five years ago. In aggregate, corporate venture groups invested $5.4 billion across 775 deals last year.

Angel investment too is booming worldwide. More than 90% of the early-stage investments in Europe come from angel investor capital. The angel investment market size is more than 5.7 billion Euro in Europe and more than 20 billion USD in the US and Canada. The total size of the world’s early-stage investment market is expected to exceed 50 billion USDby2020.

SMEs, entrepreneurs and start-ups: OECD reports show that over 96% of the world economy is driven by SMEs, entrepreneurs and start-ups. Many governments have understood the importance of the early-stage investment market in the creation of new jobs and social justice for their countries and have therefore implemented new regulations that provide tax incentives for angel investors, corporate ventures and start-ups.

 All global key-players are partners and supporters 2017 WBAF!

Among the official partners and supporters of the 2017 World Business Angels Investment Forum are Washington, DC-based Global Business Angels Network (GBAN), the Brussels-based European Trade Association for Business Angels (EBAN), the Lagos-based African Trade Association for Business Angels (ABAN), the Dubai-based Middle East Trade Association for Business Angels (MBAN) and the Bahrain-based United Nations Industrial Development Organisation ITPO (UNIDO). The hosting institution is the Business Angels Association of Turkey (TBAA).

Bell Ceremony at the London Stock Exchange Group for 2017 WBAF on 13 February 2017

The London Stock Exchange Group is the main sponsor of the 2017 Forum. Their sponsorship indicates their keen interest in understanding the needs of early-stage investment market players and underlines their willingness to engage with them in fostering the world’s entrepreneurship ecosystem, which has gained particular importance since the global economic crisis.

Over 100 global speakers from 60 countries and5 continents

The Forum will host more than100 global experts as keynote speakers, panel discussion speakers, moderators, and fireside chat speakers from over 60 countriesand 5 continents.Speakersincludegovernment ministers, world-class angel investors, super angels, chairpersons and presidents of some of the world’s leading NGOs, chairpersons of leading stock exchanges, technoparkCEOs, and world-renowned academicians.

The 2017 WBAF hot topic: Partnering with Corporate Ventures from Start-up to Scale-up to Exit

Building on the success of the previous Forum, this year’s event, with the theme of ‘Partnering with Corporate Ventures from Start-up to Scale-up to Exit’, will focus on how corporate businesses can foster open innovation and deliver more business value through partnerships with angel investors, start-ups, and SMEs. Corporate venture capital is booming globally. In the first quarter of this year, venture capital funds accounted for nearly 17% of the total venture capital dollars invested, more than double its share five years ago. In aggregate, corporate venture groups invested $5.4 billion across 775 deals last year.

Investment delegations from Gulf countries

One of the most important features of this year’s Forum is the fact that it will host strong investment delegations from Gulf countries,includingBahrain, Kuwait, Qatar. Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. These delegations will be looking for investment opportunities in world-class start-ups and scale-ups. This increases the strategic role of Turkey in bridging the European, Asian and African investment ecosystems.

Two world-famous names as keynote speakers

Alastair Lukies, the UK Prime Minister’s Business Ambassador for FinTech at UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) will delivera keynote speech entitledIs This FinTech’s Tipping Point? And the keynote speech of Paul Doany, CEO of Turk Telecom, will address the issue of empowering the world’s economies throughpartnerships between corporate ventures and angel investors.

The disruption to traditional banking models caused by financial technology (FinTechs) may be reaching a tipping point, but some investors are lookingtowards Asia and the Middle East, where the scale of innovation may surpass traditional expectations. The FinTech industry has long been touted as the future of financial services. Indeed, many would say that that the future is already here. And according to a recent Citibank Payment Services (CPS) report, China has already reached the tipping point of digital disruption in traditional banking services, with the US and Europe not far behind. The industry as a whole saw a total investment of $19billion in 2015. Alastair Lukies, the UK Prime Minister’s Business Ambassador for FinTech at UK Trade & Investment (UKTI), will highlight the challenges of the FinTech industry and recommend innovative solutions to the key issues.

The world early-stage investment markets need innovative approaches to leverage start-up and SME ecosystems worldwide. Almost all global corporates have departments that leverage the innovation pipeline within the company. This keynote speech will address the importance of global corporates forming partnerships with angel investors and angel networks and the impact of such partnerships the competitiveness of local economies with global markets. In this keynote speech, Paul Doany, a private angel investor, will present an innovative exit roadmap for angel investors and ideas for leveraging the efficiency of innovation teams and increasing the impact of R&D departments – bothof which will empower economies worldwide.

A special masterclass for WBAF from the global thought leader on FinTech

Paolo Sironi of IBM Watson Financial Services and a global thought leader on FinTech will host a special masterclass at the World Business Angels Investment Forum on 12 February at the Swissotel The Bosphorus in Istanbul.

Financial Services are facing a perfect storm: margins are squeezed due to zero to negative interest rates in Europe, Japan and the US; reputational damage in the aftermath of the global financial crisis; increasing capital charges; skyrocketing compliance costs; generational shifts towards mobile oriented Millennials; and progressive disintermediation by technology-enabled start-ups.

FinTech companies have grabbed the opportunity globally to create compelling propositions that can ultimately replace or revolutionize the operating models of incumbent institutions. Yet innovation is not an easy journey. Proactive financial centres and forward-looking regulators across the globe have started to flex their muscles in the attempt to gain a competitive international advantage by promoting sound transformation of the banking, asset management and insurance industries.

The FinServ marketplace has never been so competitive, creating threats for incumbents and opportunities for innovators. This master class will help identify key trends globally and the strengths and weaknesses of the new technology that is shaping the FinTech revolution.

Paolo Sironi is the recognised author of the book Portfolio Management and Financial Innovation. In his current role as FinTechthought leader and spokesperson for IBM Investment and Risk Analytics, he links strategic innovation in finance and technology, demonstrating international expertise in wealth and asset management, risk management, trading and digital transformation.

Global agendato be shaped in 18  international panel discussions

With the participation of a wide range of participantsfrom the UK’s best angel investor to Singapore’s super angel, from UNIDO Executives to the Innovation Minister of Albania, the global agenda on developing innovative financial and non-financial instruments to fuel the early and post-early stage investment markets will be shaped in the panel discussions and fireside chats of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.

Fireside chats will cover hot topics such as Best Practice: Corporate Ventures as an Exit Strategy; Focus on the WBAF Regional Report: Early-Stage Investment Markets – Southeast Europe; Focus on the African continent: Agenda 2063  – The Africa We Want, Secrets of the Turkish Carpet.

Panel topics include:

  • Global Action Plans for the Future of Corporate Venturing and Angel Investment Collaboration
  • A New Roadmap: From Start-ups to Angel Investors to Corporate Ventures to Stock Exchanges
  • Innovative Policies for the Promotion of Innovative Financial Instruments for SMEs and Early-Stage Investment Markets
  • The Changing Role of Banks in the Early-Stage Phases of Capital Markets
  • Technoparks 3.0: New Rules of the Game to Accelerate Investment Readiness for Angel Investors and Corporate Ventures
  • The Strategic Role of Global Corporate Ventures in Building and Maintaining National Competitiveness
  • Global Trends and Expectations for FinTech 2020
  • The Impact of Brexit on Early-Stage Investment Markets in Europe and Other Parts of the World
  • Open Forum: Do You Agree With Former US President Obama?
  • G20 Vision for the proliferation of Collaboration Between Corporate Ventures and Angel Investors
  • The Science of Success: Investigating an Innovative Methodology Charting Possible Steps to Start-up Success
  • The Role of the United Nations Global Youth Empowerment Fund in the World’s Early-Stage Investment Markets
  • The Role of Corporate Ventures as Sources of FDI in Creating Sustainable Cross-Border Investments.

Two important reports will be released to the public

Two important reports of the World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF) will be released to public on 13 February in Istanbul.

The WBAF South East Europe Regional Report provides insights into issues and challenges in the region. Contributors to the report include the South East Europe Research Centre, the International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, and HeBAN.

The WBAF Country Report: Turkey provides insights into issues and challenges in Turkey. Contributors to the report include theTurkish Trade Association for Business Angels (TBAA),the Early-Stage Investment Market Players, and the Treasury Department of the Republic of Turkey.

The world’s first scientific research on Start-up Compass Theory (STC): on start-up success will be released at the World Business Angels Investment Forum

The World Business Angels Investment Forum will host the launch and presentation of research on the Start-up Compass Theory (SCT).

The novel aspect of this research is that itis the first empirical study attempting to validate an existing methodof increasing the success chances of a start-up;theresearch involvedscrutinizing the processes of successful practitioners in the field.

A research team led by Prof Panayiotis H. Ketikidis of the International Faculty of the University of Sheffield first explainsthe Start-up Compass Theory (SCT), which involves several stages: (1) before starting the business, also referred to as wannapreneurship, (2) starting up the business, which involves innovation, entrepreneurship, marketing and sales, (3) growing the business, including branding, institutionalization and franchising and (4) maturing the business, involving leadership and angel investment.

Unlike existing theoretical frameworksdeveloped by academics, the SCT was developed by an experienced entrepreneur and businessman. The theory has thus already been tested in the real world for its effectiveness in guidinga start-up to success. Participants in the research indicate that the majority of factors described in the SCT are ones they themselvesembrace for their value in enhancing or even determining a young company’s success. The SCT ispromising from both a scientific and a more applied perspective.

Exciting new partnerships to be signed in Istanbul

The World Business Angel Forum 2016 (WBAF 2017), to be held13–14 February in Istanbul, Turkey, will mark the beginning of a new era for the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG), the World Association of International Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA), the European Trade Association for Business Angels (EBAN), the African Trade Association for Business Angels (ABAN), and the Middle East Trade Association for Business Angels (MBAN),thanks to partnerships that willbe signed with the World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF).

TheMOUs to be signed with WBAF during the Forum, including those with LSEG, WAIPA, EBAN, MBAN and ABAN,are aimed atsupporting and empowering business angels and early and post-early stage investment markets around the world in co-operation with the World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF).

WBAF Academy courses

On the second day of the Forum, 14 February, delegates will have an opportunity to attend one of four WBAF Academy courses, all taughtby WBAF Academy Faculty Members.

The first course (How to become a business angel) is for potential angel investors,and willbe offeredby WBAF Academy Faculty Member Harry Tomi Davies, from the UK,Chairman of the African Trade Association for Business Angels (ABAN).

The second course (How to set-up a business angel network – BAN) is for business angel network managers,and will be delivered by WBAF Academy Faculty Member Peter E.Braun, an EBAN Board member from Switzerland.

The third course (How to raise fund from angel investors) is for entrepreneurs, start-ups, scale-ups and SMEs aiming to raise funds from angel investors.This course will be run by WBAF Academy Faculty Member Modwenna Rees-Mogg, Founding CEO of Pitching4Management andChair ofAngelNews, UK. She is also the author of Dragons or Angels, an internationally known book about the TV showDragons’ Den.

The fourth course (How to mentor entrepreneurs efficiently), for mentors and start-ups, will be ledby WBAF Academy Faculty Members from Greece,Adriane Thrash andArgyrios Spyridis, Co-founders of Innovation Farm.

Exclusive FinTechInvestment Forums

Two exclusive FinTech investment forums during the World Business Angels Investment Forum are great opportunities for FinTech start-ups and FinTech scale-ups to raise funds from world-class angel investors and corporate ventures.

These forums will give an opportunity to global angel investors to listen to the pitches of 10 FinTech start-ups and 10 FinTech scale-ups; each will pitch for 3 minutes and will then have an additional 3 minutes to answer questions from investors.

FinTechstart-ups will pitch as a team. Individual pitches are not allowed. An international jury selected each FinTechstart-up out of hundreds of applications from all over the world. The post-pitch steps (due diligence, negotiations, preparing term sheets) will be handled between the investor and the pitching team after the pitching session. These 10 FinTechstart-ups are at the first round investment and have not yet raised funds.

FinTechStart-ups will pitch as a team, which will include angels who invested in them before. An international jury selected each FinTechstart-up out of hundreds of applications from all over the world. The post-pitch steps (due diligence, negotiations, preparing term sheets) will be handled between the investor and the pitching team after the pitching session. These 10 FinTechscaleups are at least at the second level of investment and have previously raised funds.

World Excellence Awards and VIP Gala Dinner

With its Excellence Awards, the World Business Angels Investment Forum looks beyond borders. It seeks to promote and nurture start-ups, angels, and a dynamic business community throughout  the world. From business angels to policymakers to academics, the Awards salute those who stand out in imagining, discussing, and shaping the future of an entrepreneurial world. Given the diverse challenges the world is facing in the twenty-first century, it is important to recognise that entrepreneurship can have a major impact on our future, offering new ways to increase economic opportunities and to foster social justice.

The World Business Angels Investment Forum aims to contribute to that impact by driving positive changes that will facilitate entrepreneurship. Fostering entrepreneurship whose effects can be felt in both economic and social arenas is a hallmark of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.

On the eveningof 13February in Istanbul, the World Business Angels Investment Forum will host aVIP reception and Gala Dinner forthe presentation of the World Excellence Awards.

Important partners and sponsors!

The World Business Angels Investment Forum is fortunate to have the support of numerous prestigious institutions as partners and sponsors for the 2017 event. In addition to the headline sponsorship of the London Stock Exchange Group, WBAF 2017 co-sponsors are BNP Paribas’s TEB Angel Investment Forum and Istanbul Technical University’s ARI Technopark. Sponsors in other categories include the following distinguished companies: Calik Holding as the Silver Sponsor; Intel and Samsung as Tech Sponsors; FinTech Istanbul, powered by the Interbank Card Center (BKM) of Turkey, as the Content Sponsor; Fineksus and Nexchange as the Investment Forum Sponsor; Turkish Airlines as the Official Airline; AA as the Communication Partner; Bloomberg HT as the Media Sponsor; and Para Weekly and Dunya Daily as Press Sponsors.


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