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Your Point of View by Edward Grey

Your Point of View

A reader comments on the article, ‘Competing in a mobile economy’ by Stuart Brown (Issue 1)

The mobile economy has redefined how we do business. The office environment, its protocols, and its customs, once written of exhaustively by Alfred Chandler (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_D._Chandler,_Jr.) are now notes in history books of a world that exists no longer.

The greatest challenge is not to the generation that grew up with this technological environment as an everyday part of their life, but for those older who must transition into this new mobile environment and redefine themselves – knowing that they are on the same level, same playing field, as their younger peers.

Alfred Chandler’s most memorable observation is that “Form follows Function.” With that, we all must accept blindly this new mobile environment, function in it to our best economic utility, and look back one day and see its form. This form will one day become standard textbook, though only when technological innovation stagnates. Until it does, competition of human resource and coupled with an innovative, ‘break the mold’ attitude will reign.

With all this exists a tremendous opportunity for women to redefine themselves, be it against cultural norms that once surprised, or simply in a free-for-all environment which begets the optimal environment for self-definition. This opportunity may not exist for long, so seizing it is key to redefinition.


Edward Grey

Public Speaker / Lecturer.

Value-oriented NASDAQ-SC, NYSE-SC, and OTCQX Professional, USA.


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