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Financial Support to Syrian Refugees in Jordan

IFC, IrisGuard to Support Financial Inclusion and Syrian Refugees in Jordan IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, has signed an agreement with IrisGuard, a Jordanian company specializing in iris-scanning technology, to help boost financial inclusion and improve the lives of Syrian refugees in Jordan and the region. IFC will help IrisGuard expand the reach of its iris-based e-payment solutions, designed to help refugees...

Entrepreneurship in Conflict Zones

Entrepreneurship in Conflict Zones: The conflict in Syria has inspired a new wave of innovative youths to tap into unexplored fields, producing new ideas and embracing new business models- 17.6 percent of Syrian youth tried to work on startup ideas on 2014; in 2015, the figure climbed to 31.2 percent. This is one of many findings from a report I published today to highlight the experiences...

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