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5th issue

A Long Hard Road

Middle East Transitions: A Long Hard Road A Summary by Shahid Yusuf Growth Dialogue George Washington University Throughout the Middle East governments are under pressure to satisfy some of the urgent demands of the populace in the near term and credibly commit to policies that are likely to lead to steady and inclusive development. This paper briefly examines and assesses the factors responsible for the recent and ongoing upheavals and...

Turkey one of the top entrepreneurial countries globally

Turkey one of the top entrepreneurial countries globally The latest Global Entrepreneurial Report ranks Turkey as second most entrepreneurial country in the world A new report takes a look at entrepreneurial activity, attitudes and experiences in 33 countries and points to Turkey as the second most entrepreneurial. Perhaps somewhat counter-intuitively, the Global Entrepreneurial Report, researched and published by Oracle Capital Group, points to a collection of developing nations as...

Palestinian Fair Trade Couscous – Success for Al-Maftool Cooperative

mPALESTINE Palestinian Fair Trade Couscous -  Success for Al-Maftool Cooperative Couscous is one of the most popular dishes in Palestine, suitable for poor and rich alike...

MOROCCO Economic independence through women’s cooperatives

MOROCCO Economic independence through women's cooperatives The amazing traditional production of argan oil Many international and local organisations encourage and support women's cooperatives in the southern regions...

Rhodes … A dream destination

Rhodes … A dream destination Economic profile: Rhodes, a Greek island in the Mediterranean Following the economic woes the country faced in recent years, Greece is...

Ihab Hinnawi Acting CEO for Bahrain’s Batelco

Ihab Hinnawi Acting CEO for Bahrain’s Batelco  Batelco, one of the biggest telecommunications companies in Bahrain has named Ihab Hinnawi as its acting chief executive after...

The future of Islamic finance

The future of Islamic finance By  Sayd Farook, Global Head of Islamic Capital Markets at Thomson Reuters 2.5 billion people, or three quarters of the world’s...

Building Future Learning Spaces conference

  Essential forum to improveeducational facility design: Building Future Learning Spaces conference in Dubai highlights strategies in education facility and classroom design to achieve better student...

Is investing in the Stock Market the right place for your money?

Is investing in the Stock Market the right place for your money? Suitability is the all-important Litmus Test. In this fourth in a series of articles...

The Posidonia Sea Tourism Forum

East Med Cruise Sector Strong in 2015 3rd Posidonia Sea Tourism Forum Attracts Global Industry Interest Posidonia Forum to host CLIA Europe Executive Committee Meeting The East...

Exova wins major contracts for testing on Doha Metro

Exova wins major contracts for testing on Doha Metro Exova Group plc, the global testing, calibration and advisory services provider, has won three major contracts...

Global Islamic Investment Gateway in Bahrain

Middle East Business is a media partner at:   Global Islamic Investment Gateway  in Bahrain A pioneering Islamic finance event   550 plus delegates already signed up to hear top...

KITE Invest and the Business Angels Association of Turkey examine the growing strengths of Turkish entrepreneurism

KITE Invest and the Business Angels Association of Turkey examine the growing strengths of Turkish entrepreneurism The Business Angels Association of Turkey (TBAA) is galvanizing the...

The TBAA General Assembly met last week

The TBAA General Assembly met last week The TBAA —Business Angels Association of Turkey — held its GeneralAssembly meeting atits annual Congress last week in...