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5th issue

A Long Hard Road

Middle East Transitions: A Long Hard Road A Summary by Shahid Yusuf Growth Dialogue George Washington University Throughout the Middle East governments are under pressure to satisfy some of the urgent demands of the populace in the near term and credibly commit to policies that are likely to lead to steady and inclusive development. This paper briefly examines and assesses the factors responsible for the recent and ongoing upheavals and...

Turkey one of the top entrepreneurial countries globally

Turkey one of the top entrepreneurial countries globally The latest Global Entrepreneurial Report ranks Turkey as second most entrepreneurial country in the world A new report takes a look at entrepreneurial activity, attitudes and experiences in 33 countries and points to Turkey as the second most entrepreneurial. Perhaps somewhat counter-intuitively, the Global Entrepreneurial Report, researched and published by Oracle Capital Group, points to a collection of developing nations as...

Palestine: The Construction Cost Index announced

 Palestine: The Construction Cost Index announced Construction Cost Index (CCI), Road Cost Index (RCI), Water Networks Cost Index (WNCI) and Sewage Networks Cost Index (SNCI)...

Workz joins World Cargo Alliance

Workz joins World Cargo Alliance New membership to help drive company’s global expansion Workz Cargo -  the IATA licensed freight forwarder has today officially joined the...

Towers Watson_Global Talent Man_Rewards Study_August 2014

Towers Watson_Global Talent Man_Rewards Study_August 2014   Towers Watson_Global Talent Man_Rewards Study_August 2014 (1) (1)

Palestine: External trade in figures

Palestine: External trade in figures Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics   Preliminary Results of the Palestinian Registered* External Trade in Goods  of November,11/ 2014  Exports: Exports  slightly decreased in November,...

Big Win for Women At STEM 2015 Conference and Awards

Big Win for Women At STEM 2015 Conference and Awards Dubai, United Arab Emirates - ME NewsWire-  Women in STEM Hackathon, Conference & Awards closed curtains...

Surveillance integration – why people matter

Surveillance integration - why people matter United Arab Emirates - As investment in Middle East industrial, financial and critical infrastructure continues to rise, increasing protection...

Top10 Middle Eastern Tourist Destinations

Top 10 Middle Eastern Tourist Destinations unfortunately, when people think about the Middle East, oil production and regional turmoil come to mind. This is extremely discouraging...

The decline of oil prices: The Regional Economic Outlook – IMF

The decline of oil prices: The Regional Economic Outlook - IMF The International Monetary Authority has published the update of the Regional Economic Outlook. It’s a report...

Middle East, North Africa, Pakistan and Afghanistan: Turning the Corner?

Middle East, North Africa, Pakistan and Afghanistan: Turning the Corner? Growth has been tepid across the Middle East and North Africa, Afghanistan, and Pakistan (MENAP) region....

National Beverage Company triumphs again

National Beverage Company triumphs again How a strategy based on sustainability is showing results for the Middle East's premier Coca-Cola/Cappy franchise and award-winning best country...

La Fédération Internationale des Accueils Français et francophones à l’Etranger Célèbre ces 30 ans

La Fédération Internationale des Accueils Français et francophones à l'Etranger Célèbre ces 30 ans.  EcoMag a eu le plaisir d'avoir un entretien à Paris avec la...

Watch: Interviews with mayors and officials at International Conference of Local Authorities

Watch: Interviews with mayors and officials at International Conference of Local Authorities Local authorities at the heart of the state of Palestine At the International Conference of Local Authorities where...