Page 23 - MiddleEast-business
P. 23
Within the region, Syria, Iraq, travelling overland through northern
and Yemen had both the highest Africa to Europe have become
prevalence of modern slavery and victims of human trafficking and
the highest absolute number of exploitation along the way, and a
victims, accounting for 76% of the pattern of torture, forced labour
victims in the region. and arbitrary detention of migrants The Arab States
and asylum seekers in Libya is well accounted for 1% of
These regional figures, while victims of forced sexual
documented by the UN.
important, should be interpreted exploitation globally.
cautiously given the gaps and
limitations of data in this region. How To Spot It and Stop It
Only two national surveys were You probably see people who are in
conducted in the Arab States slavery on a regular basis without
region (Lebanon and Jordan), both
knowing it. Slaves don’t wear
conducted in Arabic, and none were shackles. Modern slaves might
conducted in the Gulf Cooperation appear ordinary, but look closer and
Council (GCC) states, despite the you might spot some worrying traits. Anti-Slavery International,
incidence of forced labour reported founded in 1839, is the world’s
by various sources in such sectors So, what are the signs of slavery? oldest international human rights
as domestic work and construction Here are few signs to look out for. organisation and works to eliminate
in the GCC countries. all forms of slavery around the
Someone being kept as a slave world.
The regional estimates for the might:
Arab States were therefore built
mainly from respondents who • appear to be under the control began under
were interviewed in their country of someone else and reluctant the auspices of the Walk Free
of residence and reported about to interact with others, Foundation, which includes the
their forced labour situation while
• never have personal Global Slavery Index, Global
working in that region. Further,
identification on them, Freedom Network and Global Fund
measurement of forced marriage
to End Slavery.
among residents of countries • have few personal belongings,
within the region is particularly wear the same clothes every
problematic where there are no day or wear unsuitable clothes The Not for Sale campaign partners
surveys. Taken together, these gaps for the work they are doing, with local experts, community
point to the likelihood of a significant
• not be able to move around leaders, and business people to
underestimation of the extent of
freely, counteract exploitation and provide
modern slavery in this region.
food, shelter, education, and
• be reluctant to talk to strangers
Similarly, as it is typically not or the authorities, healthcare to people affected by
possible to survey in countries that modern slavery.
are experiencing profound and • appear frightened, withdrawn,
current conflict, such as Syria, Iraq, or show signs of physical or 1.
and Yemen, data from these states psychological abuse.
are likely to understate the problem. 5 • If you suspect that someone slavery-today/modern-slavery/
is being kept as a slave, do 3.
Libya’s Misfortune not confront them as this forced-labour/lang--en/index.htm
may put them at increased 4. https://www.globalslaveryindex.
The IOM, the UN’s migration
levels of risk of harm. Instead, org/2018/findings/regional-analysis/
agency, says the sale of people
inform relevant authorities arab-states/
in Libya is rife. The North African
or organisations working in 5. International Labour Organization
nation is a major exit point for
the field in our country. They (ILO) & Walk Free Foundation 2017,
refugees from Africa trying to take Methodology: Global Estimates of
are experienced and can
boats to Europe. But since the investigate without drawing too Modern Slavery: Forced Labour and
overthrow of its autocratic leader, much suspicion. Forced Marriage, ILO, p.78.
Muammar Gaddafi, the vast,
sparsely populated country has slid If you know that your home country’s
into violent chaos and migrants with police can be trusted, contact them
little cash and usually no papers are in the first instance. If this is not the
particularly vulnerable. case, and you need help or advice,
there are many organisations that
Reports by the IOM throughout work to counteract slavery on a
2017 found that 70% of migrants global scale including:
th 7 year, Issue 26, Mar - May 2020