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P. 35


            Breathing is far more than the    improve and enjoy health, enhance   respiratory rate, the more likely it is
            exchange of air. It is a language   physical performance, develop   that one is in a state of sympathetic
            and a reflection of the quality of life   emotional intelligence and deepen   overdrive. The RR naturally
            force as it is expressed through the   self-awareness. It is another   diminishes when lying down or when
            body, mind and heart. Every breath   step closer to quantifying one’s   being observed. The objective is to
            that we take mirrors our conscious   relationship with breath and thus life   get a picture of the person’s habitual
            and unconscious thoughts, the     itself, a quality that usually cannot   breathing patterns during everyday
            emotions, feelings and sensations   be measured.                   activities. Our RR is very responsive
            we experience in every moment.                                     to stress, temperature, artificial
                                              BQ - Breath Intelligence is a non-
            The breath can also be a reflection                                stimulants and medication and can
            of deeply held emotional trauma, of   invasive method for assessing the   be a good indicator of how the body
                                              health of the body/mind system,
            habitual patterns of tension that have                             is responding to various stimuli.
            been carried from the moment of   following progress without the use of
                                              equipment or wearable technology.
            conception, or the experience of birth                             2. Nostril breathing at rest
            and the conditioning imprinted by   Using these parameters to become
                                              aware of the subtleties of respiratory   Breathing through the nostrils during
            family, culture and the journey of life.
                                              rate, rhythm, volume breathed    everyday activities and when at rest
            Observation of the subtle nuances   and breathing patterns opens up   is a natural choice. There are also
            of our breathing patterns is simply   a clearer picture of the underlying   situations when it is very natural to
            the most obvious and measurable   mental, emotional and physiological   breathe through the mouth, such as
            way to monitor the mental and     states. Knowledge of the effects   when yawning, sighing and when
            emotional fluctuations reflected   of conscious breathing practice   we require more oxygen during
            in our physiology. Through our    enables powerful support to the   singing and exercise. Habitual
            awareness of the breath as a      body’s natural pull towards balance,   mouth breathing whilst at rest, leads
            support for mindfulness and       homeostasis and harmony.         to what some call ‘over breathing’,
            presence, we are offered an entry                                  this can fuel the stress response
            point to help release unconscious   Please note:                   and impact cellular respiration
            breathing habits that hinder clarity   •   Any technique or set of   and metabolic function. Habitual
            and balance.                         breathing exercises that      breathing through the mouth may
                                                 are being practiced should    indicate an underlying medical
                                                 ultimately serve Breath       condition such as chronic sinusitis
                                                 Intelligence.                 or nasal septum deviation. It may
                                              •   These parameters should not   also occur as result of a breathing
                                                 be seen in isolation, but rather   habit that has developed over time.
                                                 in the context of all the other
                                                 parameters.                   3. Abdominal expansion on
                                              •   Certain conscious breathing   the inhale
                                                 practices will seem to override
                                  Quotient                                     As we inhale and the lungs inflate,
                                                 the guidelines below, but are
                               (BQ) is an                                      the abdomen will bulge out. As we
                                                 used for very specific purposes
                            experiential                                       exhale and the lungs deflate, the
                                                 of emotional release.
                        set of breathing      •   It is recommend that you     abdomen should naturally retract.
                   parameters that we can                                      If this pattern is reversed, with
                                                 use BQ - Breath Intelligence
                observe and track in ourselves.   together with someone who    the abdomen being sucked in on
              It can also serve as guidelines                                  an active inhale and pushed out
                                                 has some form of breathwork
            for mentors, coaches, therapists     training and who is able to guide   on the exhale, it may indicate a
            and health practitioners in the                                    compromised diaphragm function
            assessment and monitoring of                                       or pattern of stress that causes the
                                              •   Disclaimer: These set of
            the breathing characteristics of                                   inhibition of full lung expansion. This
                                                 parameters are general
            people they are working with and                                   can be corrected with training belly
                                                 indicators and do not replace
            supporting.                                                        breathing.
                                                 a formal medical diagnosis or
            Acknowledging that our breathing                                   4. Abdominal vs. Chest
            reflects our physical, emotional   1. Resting Respiratory Rate     breathing
            and spiritual health, the BQ -
            Breath Intelligence system has    In general, a resting respiratory rate   A common suboptimal breathing
            been developed as a simple        (RR) between 8 to14 breaths/minute   pattern is the overuse of smaller and
            multi-dimensional guideline for   while seated indicates that the   less efficient accessory muscles
            anyone involved in the vast field of   body’s autonomic nervous system   in the neck and shoulders. These
            conscious breathing, whether to   is in balance. The higher the resting   muscles are designed to support
                                                7  year, Issue 26, Mar - May 2020
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