Page 15 - MiddleEast-business
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            permeates many social and         province but I don’t want to be the   year. Since the start of this century it
            institutional structures. The abolition   only one forever. I wish there were   has had two female prime ministers
            of guardianship rules would help   more women working alongside    – though both served only brief
            to advance female empowerment,    me in local government and leading   terms – and a widely liked female
            especially in MENA and countries   departments and I am trying to   president who served for 12 years.
            belonging to the Gulf Cooperation   make this a reality for other Afghan   It has been reported that Finnish
            Council (GCC).  Having the freedom   women.” A brave woman willing   children sometimes ask their
            to vote, and having the option to vote   to risk her life to represent her   parents if a man can be president
            for a woman candidate who would   community provides an amazing    because they are so used to seeing
            fight for women’s rights, could make   role model for young women fresh to   a female president!
            an enormous difference.           the changing political landscape in
                                              their country.                   Women in business
                                              To give countries across MENA    Unfortunately, the glass ceiling still
                                              something to aim for, Finland - which   exists for women.  Whilst there are
               Entrepreneurial hubs can be
                                              often tops the global tables for   many well-known female CEOs
               the perfect home for start-ups
                                              female empowerment - now has     and entrepreneurs, the number of
               and women who have chosen
                                              the world’s youngest serving prime   women in the boardroom is nowhere
               to ‘go it alone’
                                              minister. For more than a century,   close to approaching parity.
                                              the Nordic country has blazed a
                                              trail for women in politics. Social   For entrepreneurs, taking their
                                              Democrat, Sanna Marin, is the    future into their own hands seems
                                              youngest serving premier in the   a more effective way to achieve
            Examples of how even the strictest   world at 34, mother to a toddler, and   success. But it’s not all plain sailing.
            societies further afield have     heads a coalition of four other parties   Research by the UK Government
            begun to change look promising.   that are all led by women. Three of   into the top five issues women
            In Afghanistan - notorious for its
                                              them, like her, are under 40.    entrepreneurs face proved that
            gender apartheid of women under                                    women have major problems
            the Taliban - a young woman has   You may need to read that sentence   accessing finance, face regular
            found herself at the forefront of   again - yes, all five main national   sexism/bias, fear failure, lack
            women entering politics. Mentioned   political parties have female   network/mentors, and struggle to
            as one of BBC’s ‘100 Women of     leaders!  Finland has always been a
            the Year 2019’, Zarifa Ghafari is   pioneer in political gender equality,   juggle family and business.
            one of Afghanistan’s first female   the first country in Europe to give   Marom, Robb, and Sade’s research  4
            mayors. The country’s president   women the vote in 1906, and the first   looked at whether crowdfunding
            appointed her mayor of Maidan
                                              in the world to allow them to stand   reduces barriers for female
            Wardag, where support for the
                                              as candidates in elections that same   entrepreneurs in raising capital.
            Taliban is widespread. She’s 26
            but took the job despite it being too
            dangerous for her to live there - her
            office was mobbed by angry men
            on her first day. When asked about
            her new role, she said; “I’m the
            first female mayor for this war-torn

                                                7  year, Issue 26, Mar - May 2020
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