Page 17 - MiddleEast-business
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a lack of knowledge they are adequately involved training or mentoring, having
regarding business in policy decisions and to the support of women who have
start-up opportunities, encourage the implementation already experienced the fear and
discriminatory gender norms of gender-sensitive excitement this brings can be key to
and social perceptions of national policies, women’s getting over the first few hurdles.
entrepreneurship are major representation in business
barriers to women starting a associations and organisations CONCLUSION
business. In many contexts, needs to be strengthened.
women would like to work in With global and regional politics
and business being predominantly
paid jobs or run businesses, These four main conclusions by
but they are constrained by the ILO show just how far some male-led, attitudes towards women
in most parts of the world is far
cultural norms and traditional countries will have to change
from perfect. During International
roles. Carrying the bulk of to encourage more female
the (unpaid) household and entrepreneurship - both culturally Women’s Month, the best thing
you - if you are a male reader - can
care-giving responsibilities and politically.
within their families, women do is look at how the women in
your organisation are treated.
have little time to participate in Lobbying for changes to be made
If you are in business, are your
the labour market. In addition, are much more effective if backed
the traditional role of the up by a wide range of interested female employees paid the same
as your male employees? Are they
husband as the household parties, and not just a single voice.
head, administrator of money Networks are a superpower in a considered for promotion as often
as their male counterparts? Do
and assets, and protector, as world where females are in the
you provide them with the same
well as perceived and actual minority, so being part of a group of
threats of sexual harassment, like-minded women should be a real opportunities - such as invitations
to networking events? If you are
limit women’s access to public benefit. Women need to be kinder
services. Such stereotypes to other women, especially if the in politics, when you look at your
peers, are women politicians ‘few
dictating what is perceived to be local economy is weak. Support and
and far between’ or simply a token
appropriate for women are not understanding within the business
only prevalent within families community has to become a key
and communities but also in the part of doing business with other Women have been calling for a
educational system and mass women. Sadly this is not always the
level playing field for generations.
media. case.
Change is not only down to women,
but it is in the hands of men who
• Enhanced access to markets, Women often need to fight harder
believe that all humans are equal
networks and technologies and longer to achieve things that are whatever their gender to take it
should be provided for offered to men. Obtaining a bank
upon themselves to do more for
different types of women account or renting office space are
women. You have mothers, sisters,
entrepreneurs. Mentoring, easy examples. In our region these
daughters, aunts. Let 2020 be the
coaching and peer-to-peer can be massive hurdles that can
year you make a change.
support are all approaches that kill an innovative idea before it has
are proven to enhance chances time to grow. Crowdfunding and
of business survival and help to attracting venture capitalists (VC)
build networks. Among small- is sometimes the only way to fund
1. Prospect magazine May 2019: “How
scale producers, for instance, a new idea. Arabian Business, a Jacinda Ardern is transforming New
women’s cooperatives can magazine, reported in October 2019 Zealand”
enable entrepreneurs to realise a UAE report found that start-ups 2.
economies of scale, invest with female founders raised 21%
in technology and penetrate more in VC funding than companies
3. The Rose Report, commissioned by the
new markets, while urban with all-male teams. UK Government.
incubation centres can provide government/publications/the-alison-rose-
a good foundation for creating Having the chance to meet with
networks and synergies among other females open to the idea of 4. Marom, D., Robb, A., & Sade, O. (2016).
Gender dynamics in crowdfunding
high-tech start-ups. giving each other the support and (Kickstarter): Evidence on entrepreneurs,
encouragement every start-up investors, deals and taste-based
• By supporting women’s craves, is massively important. discrimination. Paper published on SSRN.
voices in policy dialogue, Especially when self-employed,
5. ILO: Constraints and good practice in
this will strengthen the or entering the world of work for women’s entrepreneurship in MENA
mainstreaming of gender the first time in a while, these Case study: New evidence on gender
issues into policies and groups can give the boost a female attitudes towards women in business
programmes. To ensure that entrepreneur needs. By providing
th 7 year, Issue 26, Mar - May 2020