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Union for the Mediterranean conference: “Women’s Socio-Economic Empowerment”

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Union for the Mediterranean  “Women’s Socio-Economic Empowerment: Project for Progress” conference.

Middle East Business Events: The project-oriented conference “Women’s Socio-Economic Empowerment: Project for Progress” was mandated by the Third Union for the Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Strengthening the Role of Women in Society, held in Paris on 11 September 2013. Ministers supported the development of projects on women empowerment and encouraged the UfM Secretariat to identify, promote and facilitate funding for regional projects.

This two-day international and multi-stakeholder Conference will gather governmental representatives, international development agencies from the region and beyond, international organisations dealing with women empowerment and gender equality, private sector and civil society representatives, as well as promoters of current and potential future projects of the Union for the Mediterranean. It will take place on 26 and 27 March, in Barcelona – Spain.

The Conference aims to:

  • Identify priority initiatives and programs in the field of socio-economic empowerment of women in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
  • Help develop stronger synergies and coherence among key stakeholders in the Euro-Mediterranean region, and facilitate institutional and financial support for specific projects advancing women empowerment.
  • Encourage the presentation of project proposals with a regional dimension to the UfM Secretariat.

For more information: http://ufmsecretariat.org/women-empowerment-conference/

Conference Program: http://ufmsecretariat.org/women-empowerment-conference/

Contact:  Union for the Mediterranean


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