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            strengthen demand on packaged     high on global agendas. In recent   which can reassure consumers and
            goods.                            years the sustainability of packaging   retailers on the safety of packaged
                                              has received increased attention.   foods. We must begin to get serious
            The increasing population and the   Central and municipal government   about developing packaging that
            rate of urbanisation will continue to   regulations, together with consumer   gets more food to more people who
            grow in areas such as China and   attitudes and brand owner values   need it most.
            India. Smithers Pira suggests, “This
                                              are now all shouting for sustainable
            translates into increased consumer                                 As more and more consumers
                                              packaging. And rightfully so.
            incomes for spending on consumer                                   have access to the internet and
            goods, as well as exposure to                                      smartphones, we can expect online
            modern retail channels and the                                     purchasing to rise exponentially.
            aspiration among a strengthening                                   As mentioned before, this demand
            middle class to engage with global   Understanding your            will elevate the need for appropriate
            brands and shopping habits.” (The    customer has become           packaging solutions. I anticipate
            Future of Packaging: Long-Term       more important than           a spike in especially corrugated
            Strategic Forecasts to 2028 ,        ever.                         board formats which can ship goods
            published 2019)                                                    around the globe through more
                                                                               complex distribution chains. With
            The rising life expectancy in key                                  the birth of social media and the
            developed markets such as Japan,                                   globalisation of our planet into a
            will lead to an aging population.                                  village, consumers are increasingly
            With this trend comes an increase                                  demanding what they see others
                                              The EU has pioneered and is
            for pharmaceutical and healthcare                                  have around the world.
                                              leading this area with its drive
            products. The challenge here is
            that packaging needs to have      towards circular economy         And, ironically, as life gets more
            ‘easy access’ for the elderly but still   principles. There is a particular   hectic and impacts on our health,
            remains secure to avoid accidents   focus on plastic waste, and    and we see the results on the
            with children.                    high-volume, single-use item     ever-popular selfie photograph, we
                                              plastic packaging (such as water   demand the packaging of healthier
            Single-portion packaging          bottles) has come under particular   foods, including gluten-free,
                                              scrutiny. A number of strategies are   organic, portion-controlled, flexible,
            With increased literacy and       advancing to address this, including   sustainable packaged goods. And
            employability comes increased     substituting alternative materials,   we say packaging is the problem?
            independence. This has led to a   investing in the development of
            new phenomenon of increased       bio-based plastics, designing packs   By now you may be feeling a little
            single-person households. This in   to make them easier to process in   overwhelmed by the picture I have
            turn pushes the demand for goods   recycling, and improving recycling   painted or the scene I have set with
            packaged in smaller portions.     and processing of plastic waste.  regard to the trends, challenges and
            This smaller portion demand                                        issues of the packaging industry. I
            was previously required mostly    There is no getting away from    am also here to reassure you that
            in developing countries where     the fact that consumers remain   you do not need to face this future
            many consumers have no access     motivated by their demand        alone. The WPO feels very strongly
            to refrigeration and need to visit   for sustainable packaging     that education is the key to coping
            markets frequently to ensure      and so brand owners demand       with the current and future demands
            their food is fresh. High levels of   packaging materials and designs   of the packaging industry. We can
            unemployment in such developing   that demonstrate the brand’s     bring the necessary training and
            areas also means consumers        commitment to the environment.   education to you and your country.
            can only afford small portions of   Brand owners are our clients.   As your customers become
            necessities at any one time: items   Are we meeting their need for   increasingly demanding, the need
            such as toothpaste, soaps, toilet   sustainable packaging?
                                                                               for understanding these global
            paper etc which you and I may buy   One of my absolute passions, and   trends and knowledge of the science
            in bulk. Increased travel, on the   certainly one of the main focuses   behind the package will become
            other hand, has seen an explosion   for WPO, is the reduction of food   more and more important.
            in the demand for exactly such small   waste in an attempt to reduce world
            portions – for a very different reason.   poverty. There is NO shortage of   For more information visit:
            Travellers want toiletry portions less   food in our world. Over 30% of the
            than 100ml that can pass through   world’s food production goes to
            airport security. Do you know your   waste. This is enough to feed the
            customer’s needs?                 entire planet’s starving population.   1.
                                              Today you will also hear more       market-reports/packaging/disruptive-
                                              about the wider use of intelligent   technologies-in-sustainable-
            Sustainability, and the concern over   packaging which can cut waste   packaging ( report available to
            environmental impact, remains     within the distribution chain and   purchase)

            7  year, Issue 26, Mar - May 2020                               
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