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The opportunity at the edge is For example, in the classroom, available for a micropayment to
driven by many things, including AI would monitor indicators of other institutions and individuals
smart applications powered by students’ comprehension and around the world; allowing external
artificial intelligence (AI) and comfort with the subject matter businesses and individuals to book
machine learning (ML), mobile being taught. If a student seemed classroom and laboratory space on
devices, Internet of Things (IoT) to be struggling, the system would demand to have their own meetings
technologies, data analysis, provide additional explanation and or work on developing their own
next-generation Wi-Fi, 5G guidance in the classroom, and then ventures outside normal school
communications, and “edge-to- offer to replay video of critical parts hours; collaborating with other
cloud computing.” of lessons and lectures during self- institutions to conduct expensive
study outside the classroom. The laboratory experiments – one
The new edge network combines AI, system would also curate content partner could do the lab work while
ML, and automation to continuously from across the internet to help the the others viewed or analysed it and
learn, predict, and adapt to changes, student go deeper into a topic or find shared the costs.
needs, and threats in real time.
The network uses technologies more understandable explanations
and software to make sense of and help bring complex concepts to
the resulting insights, enabling life through simulations and AR/VR.”
businesses to act and respond, Personalised learning plans could
optimising the experience for the
be created and continuously
customer or user wherever they are.
updated from the data accumulated
Pushing intelligence out to the edge
about the individual and their
will drive change in the design of
preferred learning styles and
our products, services, processes,
mediums. Teachers would monitor
and organisations, and transform
how decisions are made – giving this and refine it in conversation
greater autonomy to the devices at with students and their parents.
the edge. The teacher’s experience can
also be enhanced through
According to Gartner, edge smart classrooms that promote
computing will be a necessary collaboration and adapt to each
requirement for all digital educator’s preferences. Mr. Gamal Emara
businesses by 2022. With
potentially trillions of dollars being Exploring the longer-term potential
invested in the hope of generating for radically new approaches About Aruba
huge economic returns, the to education, futurist Bronwyn
argument for paying attention to the Williams highlights the critical role of Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Edge opportunity is clear and the the Edge technologies in changing company, is a leading provider of
window for learning and action is the way we can access information secure, intelligent networks that
narrowing. wherever we are by “connecting enable customers to thrive and
human brains to the cloud.” Futurist deliver amazing digital experiences
Edge Technology – and technologist, David Wood, in the mobile, IoT, and cloud era. We
suggests the use of “mobile devices are changing the rules of networking
Transforming Education
and headsets by which people to make it simple for IT and
The Edge offers the potential to can join into virtual classrooms organisations to bridge the physical
enhance student performance, at any time” could further enable and digital worlds at the edge.
confidence, and mental wellbeing. the notion of a boundless future of
Andrew Barnes, Director of education. A MarketsandMarkets™ To learn more, visit Aruba at http://
Technology at Bryanston School, study emphasises three major For real-
an Independent Boarding School growth factors for IoT in education: time news updates, follow Aruba
in the UK, outlines the following increased use of connected on Twitter and Facebook, and for
scenario: “The technologies provide devices in schools and universities, the latest technical discussions on
the foundation for a boundless eLearning, and widespread cloud- mobility and Aruba products, visit
environment, where students are based solutions. the Airheads Community at http://
supported by AI that monitors,
manages, and facilitates their A range of new revenue
learning experience and supports opportunities is opening up that 1. https://www.marketsandmarkets.
collaboration between students, could make a major contribution
enabling access to key resources, to the finances of education market-115520843.html
in the classroom or lecture theatre, institutions: capturing video of the 22/05/2019.
across the facility, and in their home. best lectures and making them
th 7 year, Issue 26, Mar - May 2020