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Any business operating in the 21st out that 38% of people stopped
century needs to be online, so engaging with a website with
having a website and social media unattractive content or layout. It
goes without saying. But it’s not means that if you don’t put enough
enough just to create something work in the look and functionality of
that is static and doesn’t have your website, a third of all people will
regular new content. Consumers leave immediately. Ugly websites
get bored easily and this gives deter consumers.
you the opportunity produce
interesting comment that shows you #3: Make It Clear
understand their needs.
Sometimes people can just come
A website has to be well thought to your website by chance. In those
out and effective. Why do scenarios, your website should be
you need one? What are you self-explanatory. A person should
trying to achieve? Drive sales? understand at a glance, what your
Communicate ideas? If you are business has to offer. You know
working on your business website, your business best, so you might
these tips can help focus your mind want to talk about it creatively, but
on the core elements. in this case, go for simplicity. The
main advocate for simplicity is Steve
#1: Start With A Domain Jobs. He once said: “That has been
Before you even start building one of my mantras — focus and
simplicity. Simple can be harder
your website, get a domain name
for it. Michael Gargiulo writes in than complex: You have to work
Forbes: “A domain name is the first hard to get your thinking clean to
perception of your company, your make it simple. But it’s worth it in the
credibility and your brand in today’s end because once you get there,
online world.” The domain name you can move mountains.”
will become a part of your business
identity. So be mindful when #4: Make It User-Friendly
choosing one. Look for a short and
When people come up to your
memorable name. If your business
website, you want them to feel
name is not too long, the best idea is
to get a matching domain name. comfortable and familiar. Once
again, don’t try to be too creative
when working on a browsing
#2: Make It Beautiful
structure for a website. Make it user-
Back in 2015, Adobe did a study friendly, so even those who visit your
about website designs. They found site for the first time would know 7 year, Issue 26, Mar - May 2020